"DETERMINATION OF THERMODYNAMIC DATA FOR DECOMPOSITION PROCESS, NONLINEAR FIT. The decomposition of uranium tri-indide is to be studiedat high temp. ■ UIn3(s) = U(s) + 3 In (g) rate constant Kp = p^3. Standard free energy: δG = -R * T * log(Kp) = δH - T * δS log(Kp)= a0 + a1/T or p = (exp(a0 + a1/T))^1/3 ■ Fit equation P(A0, A1, T) to data of pressure P in atmospheres at various temperatures T in Kelvin. From A0 and A1, calculate δG, δH and δS. *** Answer(s) to Problem(s) **** (c) Copyright PCSCC, Inc., 1993Data and variable values are already entered. Type S to start fit. Use default value of tolerance, just type (enter). The 'best values' for A0 and A1 lead to δS=407.2 J/K/mol, δH=860.9 kJ/mol and δG=351.9 kJ/mol. Type any key to exit. ||Calculate the thermodynamic data for the decomposition process UIn3 = U(s) + 3In(g) at T=1250K from the temperature (K) and pressure (atm) dataor (T,P): (1126, 0.607e-6), (1156, 1.34e-6), (1230,7.98e-6), (1256,14.3e-6), (1295,32.7e-6) (from Warn, J. R. W., Concise Chemical Thermodynamics, Van Nostrand Reinhold, London, 1969) Type comma key to see entire comment. Type (F2) to return to application file."